Ipomoea alba /Moonflower Vine

Ipomoea alba  / Ipomoea alba
Full blown flower after dark
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Full blown flower after dark

Blossoms as the sun begins to set

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Scientific Name: Ipomoea alba
Common Name: Moonflower Vine
Plant Type: Deciduous
Leaf Type: Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone: 9, 10, 11 Determine Your Zone
Height: 30-50 feet
Spread: 10 - 15 feet
Bloom time: Summer, Fall
Flower color: White
Light Exposure: Sun, Part Sun
Drainage: Well drained, Moist,
Rate of Growth: Fast
Water Requirement: Medium
Maintenance Level: Low
Susceptible to insects
and diseases:
Comments: The large, fragrant white flowers open in early evening and close as the first rays of light appear in the early morning. Except where it is hardy, it is used as an annual flowering vine. Where hardy, it can grow up to 90 feet in height. In cultivation its height and spread are limited by the dimension of the structure on which it is growing.