Musa ornata /Rose Banana

Musa ornata  / Musa ornata
Exotic flower in late summer
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Scientific Name: Musa ornata
Common Name: Rose Banana
Plant Type: Evergreen
Leaf Type: Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone: 10, 11 Determine Your Zone
Height: 8-10 feet
Spread: 5 - 10 feet
Bloom time: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Flower color: Yellow
Fruit present: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Fruit color: Green, Yellow
Light Exposure: Sun, Part Sun
Drainage: Well drained, Moist,
Rate of Growth: Moderate
Water Requirement: Medium
Maintenance Level: Medium
Susceptible to insects
and diseases:
Comments: Root hardy in zones 7-11. Covering the yellow flowers are purplish blue bracts, as on many bananas, which are borne on spikes 8 inches long. Effective in mass plantings and make excellent container specimen. Many bananas do not fruit until two or more years old.