The list below contains the most recently viewed plants in our database. You can click "more details and pictures" to view all the information/details in our database and more pictures(full resolution/high quality) for the selected plant.
 / Veronica spicata Veronica spicata 'Blue Bouquet' / 
Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Blue flowers ; grows in Sun, Morning sun

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African Daisy / Osteospermum hybrids Osteospermum hybrids /  African Daisy
Broadleaf Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Ageratum / Ageratum houstonianum Ageratum houstonianum /  Ageratum
Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring with White, Pink, Purple flowers ; grows in Sun

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Alamo Fire Bluebonnet / Lupinus texensis Lupinus texensis 'Alamo Fire'  /  Alamo Fire Bluebonnet
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring with Red flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Amazon Series Dianthus / Dianthus Dianthus 'Amazon Series' /  Amazon Series Dianthus
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; with Pink, Red, Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Atlas Poppy / Papaver somniferum Papaver somniferum  /  Atlas Poppy
Broadleaf Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring with Various flowers ; Summer fruit ; grows in Sun

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Baby Duck Yellow Petunia / Petunia Petunia 'Baby Duck Yellow' /  Baby Duck Yellow Petunia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Yellow flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Balsam / Impatiens balsamina Impatiens balsamina  /  Balsam
Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Beefsteak Plant / Iresine herbstii Iresine herbstii 'Brilliantissima'  /  Beefsteak Plant
Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Filtered Shade

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Bingo Begonia / Begonia semperflorens-cultorum Begonia semperflorens-cultorum /  Bingo Begonia
Broadleaf Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Various flowers ; grows in Sun

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Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper / Capsicum annuum Capsicum annuum 'Black Pearl'  /  Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer with White flowers ; Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Blanket White Petunia / Petunia Petunia 'Blanket White'  /  Blanket White Petunia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter with White flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Blue Pea Vine / Clitoria ternatea Clitoria ternatea /  Blue Pea Vine
Deciduous Broadleaf Annual ; 10-15 feet in height ; with a spread of 3 -5 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Purple flowers ; grows in Sun

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Bordeaux Peturnia / Petunia Petunia 'Bordeaux' /  Bordeaux Peturnia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter with Purple flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Bronze Pagoda Coleus / Solenostemon scutellarioides Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Bronze Pagoda  /  Bronze Pagoda Coleus
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer with Blue flowers ; grows in Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Shade, Morning sun

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Cabernet Phlox / Phlox Phlox 'Intensia 'Cabernet'  /  Cabernet Phlox
Broadleaf Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Pink flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Calvary Clover, Prickly Medick, Clover / Medicago intertexta Medicago intertexta /  Calvary Clover, Prickly Medick, Clover
Deciduous Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring with Yellow flowers ; Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Morning sun

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Cape Daisy / Osteospermum hybrid Osteospermum hybrid  /  Cape Daisy
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Orange flowers ; grows in Sun

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Cauliflower / Brassica oleracea Brassica oleracea 'Cheddar' (left) and 'Graffiti' /  Cauliflower
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Winter with Yellow, Purple flowers ; grows in Sun

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Chartreuse Jospeh Alternanthera ficoidea 'Chartreuse'  /  Chartreuse Jospeh's Coat
Broadleaf Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Chervil / Anthriscus cerefolium Anthriscus cerefolium /  Chervil
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; grows in Part Sun

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Clasping Leaf Cone Flower / Rudbeckia amplexicaulis Rudbeckia amplexicaulis /  Clasping Leaf Cone Flower
Deciduous Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Yellow flowers ; Summer fruit ; grows in Sun

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Coco Loco Coleus / Solenostemon scutellarioides Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Coco Loco'  /  Coco Loco Coleus
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer with Blue flowers ; grows in Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Morning sun

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Compact Sunpatiens / Impatiens hawkeri Impatiens hawkeri 'SunPatiens'  /  Compact Sunpatiens
Broadleaf Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Cosmos / Cosmos bipinnatus Cosmos bipinnatus  /  Cosmos
Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Crested Celosia / Celosia argentea var. cristata  Celosia argentea var. cristata  /  Crested Celosia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Various flowers ; grows in Sun

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Curly Leaf Parsley / Petroselinum crispum var crispum Petroselinum crispum var crispum /  Curly Leaf Parsley
Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Dafla Pink Diascia / Diascia Diascia 'Dafla Pink'  /  Dafla Pink Diascia
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Pink flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Dark Star Coleus / Solenostemon scutellarioides Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Dark Star' /  Dark Star Coleus
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Blue flowers ; grows in Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Shade, Morning sun

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Dianthus / Dianthus deltoides Dianthus deltoides /  Dianthus
Deciduous Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Dill Weed / Anethum graveolens  Anethum graveolens  /  Dill Weed
Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Yellow flowers ; Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Sun

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Double Wave Blue Velvet Petunia / Petunia Petunia 'Double Wave Blue Velvet' /  Double Wave Blue Velvet Petunia
Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Purple flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Dream Petunia Series / Petunia hybrida Petunia hybrida 'Dreams' Series /  Dream Petunia Series
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Durango Bolero Marigold / Tagetes patula Tagetes patula 'Durango Bolero' /  Durango Bolero Marigold
Broadleaf Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Orange flowers ; grows in Sun

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Durum Wheat, Wheat, Macaroni Wheat / Triticum durum Triticum durum /  Durum Wheat, Wheat, Macaroni Wheat
Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring with Green flowers ; Summer fruit ; grows in Sun

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Dwarf Lisianthus / Eustoma Eustoma 'Sapphire Blue' /  Dwarf Lisianthus
Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Purple flowers ; grows in Sun

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Dwarf Red Plains Coreopsis / Coreopsis tinctoria    Coreopsis tinctoria  /  Dwarf Red Plains Coreopsis
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Red flowers ; grows in Sun

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Early Buttercup / Ranunculus fascicularis Ranunculus fascicularis /  Early Buttercup
Deciduous Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Winter with Yellow flowers ; grows in Sun

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Easy Wave Mystic Pink Petunia / Petunia Petunia 'Easy Wave Mystic Pink' /  Easy Wave Mystic Pink Petunia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter with Pink flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Easy Wave Salmon Petunia / Petunia Petunia 'Easy Wave Salmon'  /  Easy Wave Salmon Petunia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter with Red flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Easy Wave White Petunia / Petunia Petunia 'Easy Wave White'  /  Easy Wave White Petunia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter with White flowers ; grows in Sun

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Explorer Pink Petunia / Petunia Petunia 'Explorer Pink'  /  Explorer Pink Petunia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring with Pink flowers ; grows in Sun, Morning sun

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Fishnet Stockings Coleus / Solenostemon scutellarioides Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Fishnet Stockings' /  Fishnet Stockings Coleus
Broadleaf Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Blue flowers ; grows in Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Morning sun

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Flamingo Pink Celosia / Celosia spicata Celosia spicata 'Flamingo Pink' /  Flamingo Pink Celosia
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Pink flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Floral Lace Dianthus / Dianthus chinensis Dianthus chinensis 'Floral Lace Mix'  /  Floral Lace Dianthus
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Flowering Kale / Brassica oleracea Brassica oleracea /  Flowering Kale
Broadleaf Annual ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring, Winter with Various flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Flowering Tobacco / Nicotiana sylvestris Nicotiana sylvestris /  Flowering Tobacco
Broadleaf Annual ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer ; grows in Sun, Morning sun

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Fresh Look Yellow Celosia / Celosia Celosia 'Fresh Look Yellow'  /  Fresh Look Yellow Celosia
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with Yellow flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Garden Zinnia / Zinnia elegans Zinnia elegans /  Garden Zinnia
Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with White, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Purple, Various flowers ; grows in Sun

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Gay Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Gay's Delight'  /  Gay's Delight Coleus
Broadleaf Annual ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Blue flowers ; grows in Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Morning sun

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