The list below contains the most recently viewed plants in our database. You can click "more details and pictures" to view all the information/details in our database and more pictures(full resolution/high quality) for the selected plant.
African Iris / Dietes vegeta Dietes vegeta /  African Iris
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with White, Yellow flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Apostle Plant / Neomarica caerulea  Neomarica caerulea  /  Apostle Plant
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring with Blue, Multicolored flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Black Gamecock Iris / Iris Iris 'Black Gamecock' /  Black Gamecock Iris
Rhizome ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring with Purple flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Filtered Shade

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Blue Ginger / Dichorisandra thyrsiflora Dichorisandra thyrsiflora  /  Blue Ginger
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; 5-8 feet in height ; with a spread of 3 -5 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Blue flowers ; Spring, Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Part Sun, Filtered Shade

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Butterfly Ginger / Hedychium coronarium Hedychium coronarium /  Butterfly Ginger
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with White flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Canna Australia / Canna Canna 'Australia' /  Canna Australia
Rhizome ; 5-8 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Red flowers ; grows in Sun

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Cleopatra Canna / Canna Canna 'Cleopatra' /  Cleopatra Canna
Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer with Yellow, Multicolored flowers ; grows in Sun

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Crimson Beauty Canna / Canna Canna 'Crimson Beauty' /  Crimson Beauty Canna
Rhizome ; 5-8 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Red flowers ; grows in Sun, Morning sun

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Dwarf Canna Yellow Futurity / Canna Canna 'Yellow Futurity' /  Dwarf Canna Yellow Futurity
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Yellow flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Evergreen Japanese Iris / Iris japonica Iris japonica  /  Evergreen Japanese Iris
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring with Blue flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Shade

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Giant Rhubarb, Chilean Rhubarb / Gunnera tinctoria  Gunnera tinctoria  /  Giant Rhubarb, Chilean Rhubarb
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 5-8 feet in height ; with a spread of 5 - 10 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Green flowers ; Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Hardy Gloxinia / Sinningia sellovii   Sinningia sellovii  /  Hardy Gloxinia
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring with Pink flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Filtered Shade, Shade

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Japanese Iris / Iris kaempferi Iris kaempferi /  Japanese Iris
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer with Various flowers ; Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Japanese Roof Iris / Iris tectorum  Iris tectorum  /  Japanese Roof Iris
Evergreen Rhizome ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring with Blue flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Lily of the Nile / Agapanthus africanus Agapanthus africanus /  Lily of the Nile
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 3 -5 feet ; blooms in Summer with Blue flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Lindsey Woods Water Lily / Nymphaea Nymphaea 'Lindsey Woods'  /  Lindsey Woods Water Lily
Deciduous Broadleaf Rhizome ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of 5 - 10 feet ; blooms in Summer with Purple flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Louisiana Iris / Iris fulva Iris fulva /  Louisiana Iris
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring with Red flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Filtered Shade

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Morea / Dietes bicolor Dietes bicolor  /  Morea
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 3 -5 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer, Fall with White flowers ; Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Orange Beauty Canna / Canna Canna 'Orange Beauty' /  Orange Beauty Canna
Rhizome ; 5-8 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer with Orange flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Prectoria Canna / Canna Canna 'Prectoria'  /  Prectoria Canna
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Orange flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Professor Neil Iris / Iris Louisiana hybrid Iris Louisiana hybrid 'Professor Neil'  /  Professor Neil Iris
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring with Multicolored flowers ; Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Filtered Shade

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Red Futurity Canna / Canna Canna 'Red Futurity'  /  Red Futurity Canna
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Red flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Red King Humbert Canna / Canna Canna 'Red King Humbert' /  Red King Humbert Canna
Rhizome ; 5-8 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Red flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Rocky Mountain Iris / Iris  missouriensis Iris missouriensis  /  Rocky Mountain Iris
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring with Blue flowers ; Summer fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun, Morning sun

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Siberian Iris / Iris sibirica Iris sibirica /  Siberian Iris
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer with Purple flowers ; Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Stadt Feltbach Canna / Canna Canna 'Stadt Feltbach' /  Stadt Feltbach Canna
Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Orange flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Teal Velvet Siberian Iris / Iris sibirica Iris sibirica 'Teal Velvet'  /  Teal Velvet Siberian Iris
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring ; grows in Sun

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Tropicana Canna / Canna Canna 'Tropicana'  /  Tropicana Canna
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 5-8 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Orange flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Variegated Sweet Iris, Dalmatian Iris / Iris pallida Iris pallida 'Variegata'  /  Variegated Sweet Iris, Dalmatian Iris
Broadleaf Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring with Blue flowers ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Water Canna / Canna flaccida Canna flaccida  /  Water Canna
Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 1-2 feet ; blooms in Spring, Summer with Yellow flowers ; grows in Sun

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Water Lotus / Nymphaea Nymphaea 'Margaret Mary' /  Water Lotus
Rhizome ; 1-2 feet in height ; with a spread of 3 -5 feet ; blooms in Summer, Fall with Purple flowers ; grows in Sun

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White Swirl Japanese Iris / Iris sibirica Iris sibirica 'White Swirl'  /  White Swirl Japanese Iris
Evergreen Broadleaf Rhizome ; Under 1 foot in height ; with a spread of to 1 foot ; blooms in Spring with White flowers ; Spring fruit ; grows in Sun, Part Sun

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Yellow Flag Iris / Iris pseudacorus Iris pseudacorus  /  Yellow Flag Iris
Evergreen Rhizome ; 2- 5 feet in height ; with a spread of 2 -3 feet ; blooms in Spring with Yellow flowers ; Summer, Fall fruit ; grows in Sun, Filtered Shade

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