Pachira aquatica /Guiana Chestnut

Pachira aquatica  / Pachira aquatica
Close-up image of a leaf
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Scientific Name: Pachira aquatica
Common Name: Guiana Chestnut
Plant Type: Evergreen
Leaf Type: Broadleaf
Hardiness Zone: 10, 11 Determine Your Zone
Height: 10-15 feet
Spread: 10 - 15 feet
Bloom time: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Flower color: White
Fruit present: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Fruit color: Brown
Light Exposure: Sun, Part Sun
Drainage: Well drained, Moist,
Rate of Growth: Moderate
Water Requirement: Medium
Maintenance Level: Low
Susceptible to insects
and diseases:
Comments: In the tropics it grows to 60 feet, but in cultivation in the USA it seldon grows less than 20 feet. Grows in swampy areas or areas flooded much of the time and along side rivers and streams. Large, coarse textured leaves give a tropical effect in the landscape. It is used as a house plant and is also grown for its edible nuts. Young leaves and flowers may be cooked and eaten. In its native habitat creamy white fragrant flowers and football like fruit may be present year round.